The organizing committee cordially invites you to submit abstracts for oral presentations and poster exhibitions. All congress abstracts must be submitted online via the online submission system.
Please read the guidelines carefully before submitting your abstract(s).
*KST (UTC+9)
Late-breaking abstract submission: Monday, September 4, 2023
Notification of abstract acceptance: Monday, September 11, 2023
Abstract submission
Authors registration
All presenters are required to register before the registration deadline.
Registration full/partial support policy for accepted abstracts
For accepted abstracts,
registration benefits are provided as follows.
- Free registration for 2 persons per abstract.
General guidelines
- Language: English only
- Presentation type: Oral presentation / Poster oral / Poster exhibition only
* Scientific committee may change your presentation type after reviewing it.
- Do not use capital letters except for the first letter when writing a title.
- Example: This is a properly formatted abstract title
- Structure of research abstract: Objectives / Methods / Results / Conclusions
- Length of body: No longer than 300 words
- Figure / Table
- 1 figure in 1 abstract: Allowed
- 1 table in 1 abstract: Allowed
- 1 figure & 1 table in 1 abstract: Not allowed
* A figure or table counts as 50 words.
- If you submit an abstract, a confirmation mail will be sent to your e-mail address.
- Abstract review or modification will be available until the abstract submission deadline.
- Diabetes/Obesity/Lipid (clinical)
- Diabetes/Obesity/Lipid (basic)
- Bone/Muscle (clinical)
- Bone/Muscle (basic)
- Thyroid
- Pituitary/Adrenal/Gonad
- Other
Originality & Eligibility
- Submitted abstracts are possible for online or offline publications and presentations but they may not be announced, publicized, or distributed online and offline in full article before the congress.
- If full article publication occurs online or in print before the congress, the abstract must be withdrawn.
- If any related issue arises, please contact the congress secretariat at
Notification of acceptance
- All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific committee according to reviewing procedures.
- Notification of acceptance will be emailed to applicants on
Saturday, August 12, 2023
- Presentation authors must submit the final paper on
Saturday, July 29, 2023
- Any changes will be notified on the SICEM 2023 website.
Withdrawal policy
- If the presenting author of the accepted abstract does not register by the deadline for presenter registration, the abstract will be automatically withdrawn from the final program.
- If you would like to withdraw an abstract, please request to have it withdrawn by sending an email to the secretariat as soon as possible.
Abstract submission